Tuesday, May 3, 2011


One music sight that is not illegal is called Pandora Radio. It is only offered in the United States. Pandora is an internet website that allows users to create an account and essentially create their own radio stations with music they like. Pandora uses over 400 attributes are focused into larger groups called focus traits when selecting music for a station. These traits include things such as, rhythm syncopation, key tonality, vocal harmonies, and displayed instrumental proficiency. You can enter and artists name or a song title and Pandora will create a radio station that plays similar songs or artists. On each song, you can give a thumbs up or a thumbs down and Pandora will keep that in consideration for future selections. Pandora is free to everyone but it does come with ads that play between every couple of songs. According to Pandora, because of legal limitations, the user can only skip songs 6 times per hour and you can’t replay a song. They also limit the user to 40 hours per month on the free service.  This is how they are able to make it legal to listen to the songs without having people pay. Pandora also offers a service called Pandora One, which allows the user to listen without ads and skip as many times as they would like by paying around $30.00 a year. Even on the free service, you can create as many radio stations as you would like. While listening to a song, you can choose to buy it through itunes or another online music store.  Pandora has even branched out to creating “apps” that work on smart phones. Pandora is a million dollar industry with millions of listeners.  Every day there is a new advancement in technology. Ten years ago we were still listening to just CDs, and now we can create our own radio stations that can introduce us to new music that is similar to our current taste.

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